Ryerson Sunday Services on YouTube

Music Director:  Simone Caruso

For pastoral care contact

905-648-2731 or email: info@ryersonancaster.ca

  • E-TRANSFERS are now available for your church donations.

Please send your donation to churchadmin@cogeco.net for processing. 

Please reference our Youtube channel for a listing of all worship services at:


June 19 – Fathers Day Sunday


April 17 – Easter Sunday


April 15 – Good Friday

April 10 – Palm Sunday

 December 24 – Christmas Eve




Please keep checking our Faith Communities and COVID-19 webpage for all the latest updates.

Online Worship Resources

Beginning Sunday, March 22, Moderator Richard Bott will be offering an online worship service each Sunday for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak. This will be a video recorded service you can join in on our website or Facebook page. The prayers, hymns, and reflections from the Moderator’s online worship will also be available in audio and text form.

If you would like to participate in the live version of this worship service, please join on Zoom, Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. PDT, 7:00 p.m. EDT, 8:30 p.m. in Newfoundland. The recorded version of this is what will be shared on Sundays.

Moderator’s Letter to All Communities of Faith

“Grace and peace to you, in the love of the Creator, the peace of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. I am writing to you on the evening following the announcement by the World Health Organization that the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has reached a pandemic state. Here in Canada, while the number of presumptive and confirmed cases remains low, Canadians are being asked to prepare for an increase in the number of people affected by the virus….

“Scripture talks a lot about fear—often in the form of “Don’t be afraid!” I know that can be hard to do, but I think there is an important call to us as people of God and followers of Jesus. In those moments when fear gets huge, we have the opportunity to love even more and, in that love, to help one another.”

In this time of COVID-19, we pray:
When we aren’t sure, God,
help us be calm;
when information comes
from all sides, correct and not,
help us to discern;
when fear makes it hard to breathe,
and anxiety seems to be the order of the day,
slow us down, God;
help us to reach out with our hearts,
when we can’t touch with our hands;
help us to be socially connected,
when we have to be socially distant;
help us to love as perfectly as we can,
knowing that “perfect love casts out all fear.”

For the doctors, we pray,
for the nurses, we pray,
for the technicians and the janitors and the
aides and the caregivers, we pray,
for the researchers and theorists,
the epidemiologists and investigators,
for those who are sick,
and those who are grieving, we pray,
for all who are affected,
all around the world…
we pray
for safety,
for health,
for wholeness.

May we feed the hungry,
give drink to the thirsty,
clothe the naked and house those without homes;
may we walk with those who feel they are alone,
and may we do all that we can to heal
the sick—
in spite of the epidemic,
in spite of the fear.

Help us, O God,
that we might help each other.

In the love of the Creator,
in the name of the Healer,
in the life of the Holy Spirit that is in all and with all,
we pray.

May it be so.

—A prayer during times of COVID-19 by the Right Rev. Richard Bott, originally posted on Facebook. Moderator Bott encourages the sharing of prayers he posts throughout his term.


Ryerson Heritage Book Image

Please find our Ryerson history in downloadable format. 

History was compiled by Norma Sheldrick in celebration of Ryerson’s 200th anniversary.

Season of Creation

“Season of Creation”


The United Church of Canada introduced Creation Time in the Season of Pentecost in 2010.  From September to Thanksgiving, congregations celebrate the fact that creation is an integral part of the whole Christian year. The “tree” logo was designed for this occasion and orange was selected as the corresponding liturgical colour.

Flowing within and outside the Elm tree is a blue Circle, a symbol of God’s eternity. It is blue, the color of the sky and heaven and symbolic of wisdom and clarity.  A Cross of gold (worth, splendor, wealth and Jesus’ ‘royalty’) fills the Circle, both within and outside the Tree. It is an alisee patee cross, recalling the consecration cross of the very ancient church and thus the holiness of life. It also reminds us of a Celtic cross whose spirituality maintains the intricate link between humanity and nature. The square at the intersection of the cross recalls God as Mystery. The four colors also represent the four elements of creation: earth /brown, air /white, fire /orange and water /blue.

The colour orange was:

  • the Early Christian colour for confessors, monastics, and matrons
  • worn in some Russian churches during summer fasts; in Western rites, some mainline Protestant churches propose orange as a colour for fall
  • some Orthodox Churches use scarlet, orange, or rust



Up Tempo Worship

November 26 – Up Tempo Worship

worship with a jazz beat – share in the joyous spirit!  Ryerson offers Up Tempo Worship on November 26 with special readings, spirituals and jazz.  Everyone is invited – 10:30 am at Ryerson

Refugee Help

If you are able to assist the Haider refugee family, please contact Phil Matthews at 905 648 4021 – drivers are needed to assist with appointments and errands.

Bulletin Sponsorship

Weekly during 2017

Would you like to remember someone special in 2017?
We are offering a unique opportunity to honour loved ones by sponsoring the bulletins for a week of your choice. Simply sign-up on the chart in the Narthex and forward a payment
of $15.00 and the acknowledgement that you would like to have printed in the bulletin to the church office.