Live in Concert: The Toronto Mass Choir

Juno-award winning The Toronto Mass Choir

Toronto Mass Choir Concert InfoIn concert:
The Toronto Mass Choir

at the Ancaster Memorial Centre
October 29, 2022
at 7:30pm.
Tickets are $20.00 per person
(plus other fees)
A unique gospel experience.
Bring your family and friends.
Mark your Calendar!
Only a limited amount of tickets.
To reserve your seat, visit

Celebrating an Evening in Carolinian Canada

hosted by Our Medicine Walk | ononhkwa’shon:’a
at Ryerson United Church in Ancaster
265 Wilson St. East
Friday, May 27th

It has been estimated that more than 50% of the federally-listed species at risk occur in Ontario’s Carolinian Zone. Throughout this region, pressures from urban expansion, increased industrialization and intensified agricultural practices have caused extensive wildlife habitat destruction.

In parts of this zone, over 90% of the original forests are gone. Most of the remaining forests are too small and isolated to accommodate at-risk forest bird species and other species that depend on the specialized habitats found in larger forest tracts.

The Métis Women’s Circle in partnership with Ryerson United Church and Foundations Montessori School are hosting an information evening at 265 Wilson St. East in Ancaster on Friday, May 27th, 7pm, showcasing student art and their research on Carolinian species.

Funding from Government of Canada New Horizons for Seniors.

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Our Medicine Walk, ononhkwa’shon:’a:

Metis Logo Medicine Walk
Youth, Community and the Healing Gifts of Plants

Our Medicine Walk: ononhkwa’shon:’a is a joint community venture of Ryerson United Church, Foundations Montessori School, Fieldcote Museum and the Métis Women’s Circle.

In the spring of 2021, a gathering place was created at Fieldcote Museum to explore indigenous species plants from the perspective of health and wellness. The plants will serve as our guides for intercultural learning.

Goals are:

  • building social networks
  • connecting with nature and recognizing the importance of biodiversity
  • sharing traditional and Indigenous knowledge

Our Medicine Walk: ononhkwa’shon:’a on FACEBOOK

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Ryerson Reads 2020

Everyone welcome to join us as we discuss this book in April!

Please call 905 648 2731

Regional Structure – Horseshoe Falls

Effective January 1, 2019, the organizational structure for communities of faith within the United Church changed from the Presbytery system.  Hamilton Presbytery ceased on December 31, 2018.  Ryerson now falls within the area known as –

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council


Click for Regional Councils Map:,29.7205,-32.0428,69.0505


Watch for further updates and correspondence as details are finalized.

Annual Reports 2020

Annual Reports 2020 have been produced in a new easy to read, 8-page format.  Check up on new projects and the work of our committees.  Reports are available electronically or pick up your copy at the church. 


Rev Tim Graham celebrates 1st anniversary

The Reverend Tim Graham celebrates his first year anniversary as Ryerson’s full-time minister.  A graduate of Queen’s Theological College, Rev Tim began his tenure here on February 5, 2019.  He comes to us with many years of experience in ministry and great enthusiasm.