Music Activities
MUSIC DIRECTOR – Simone Caruso
Ryerson United Church has a rich history of musical activities as well as a vast series of musical influences and interests. We enjoy a variety of styles of music yet the services are presented in a traditional style.
Do you play an instrument? Do you sing? All are welcome to join in the fun! We are currently looking for new faces to join us at Ryerson United Church. To learn more about the various opportunities available, please contact the church office at
A video for the piece “Make A Joyful Noise” is a special project for the United Church of Canada. The video will be submitted, along with submissions from other United Churches across Canada, to be used in an edited version of the song that the composer uses on a mission trip to India. This is a great way to help create a difference in a musical fashion.
On Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 7pm, the first concert of the Ryerson Community Concert Series took place to great success. In it’s inaugural year, The Ryerson Community Concert Series, designed by the Director of Music Ian Green, is an opportunity for the local community to come together to enjoy good music while also encouraging education and appreciation for the arts. Emma Rush, a local classical guitarist with worldwide critical acclaim, performed an exciting program of guitar pieces. The first half of the concert included solo pieces from a variety of time periods of the guitar repertoire, the second half consisted of the Rogrigo guitar concerto with piano accompaniment. The piano accompanist Christopher Hunt performed beautifully, Emma and Chris were a great fit together. There was a post-concert reception hosted by members of the Ryerson United Church congregation in which the audience could mingle with the musicians. All in all, the concert was a great start to the Ryerson Community Concert Series season!